Our pre-kindergarten classroom offers a center based learning environment with designated areas of study. Throughout the school year these centers will evolve and change to keep our students challenged and engaged in new learning experiences. We individualize the curriculum to ensure that each child is reaching their full potential. Students progress is carefully observed and documented through assessments and portfolios. Our curriculum focuses on the following standards:
Students are provided with a print rich learning environment. Books are read daily in circle time and are followed by discussions to aide in story comprehension. They will also learn letter sounds and recognition with an emphasis on lower case letters. Students also learn how to identify initial and final sounds in words. Students will learn to rhyme, count syllables, and blend phonemes. During learning centers, students are given the opportunity to explore language through dramatic play, puppets, felt board stories, finger plays, books, and games.
Most math activities take place with individuals, or in small groups. Students learn math skills such as matching, sorting, one to one correspondence, classification, shapes, spatial relationships, counting, patterning and sequencing, graphing, compare and contrast, number recognition, and measurement.
Students learn science concepts through hands on experiences. Sensory tables include something new each week for children to explore. Children engage in science experiments where they are given the opportunity to observe their environment, make predictions, and discuss and compare results.
Children are given a wide variety of media in which they can express themselves through open-ended art projects. Art experiences are designed to strengthen fine motor skills, boost self esteem and confidence, and promote individuality. Students will also study the lives, work, and techniques of famous artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, and O’Keefe.
Students are exposed to music in class daily and are given the opportunity to learn about instruments, rhythm and tempo, creative movement, and new and exciting songs.
Fine and Gross Motor Development: Fine motor development is a crucial part of the pre-writing process. Students are provided with a wide variety of materials to strengthen hand muscles. Gross motor development is fostered both in and outside of the classroom. Indoors students have access to balance beams, bean bags, and many other manipulatives that promote gross movement. Outdoors, students have daily access to our large playground that is equipped with bikes, slides, balls, and more!
Students are taught Spanish words nad songs that coincide with our weekly themes and lessons.
Assessment and Portfolios:
Teachers conduct 3 assessments a year to help develop goals for each individual child. Students progress is documented through portfolios that contain dated samples of each childs work, photos, and art pieces. Portfolios are sent home at the end of the school year to be shared and treasured for a lifetime.